Design: George Gomez
Software: Stern
- Sounds of the game fit the theme perfectly. Similar to Tron Legacy, Stern makes great use of the robot/electronic sounds and speech that add to the entertainment package.
- The way Stern constructed their ramps for production. Constructing them out of the printed plastic sheet allowed Stern to really give personality to the ramps, making them feel like an organic extension of the playfield.
- Use of QR codes is a great new way to get additional entertainment to the player and to have a more collaborative experience.
- The creative take on splitting the personality of the game right down the middle with the left side being the Decepticons and the right side being the Autobots. The additional option of having players pick the side you want to play as is also a very nice touch.
- Pro model has nice flow
- Playfield artwork along with the insert layout made the game feel very generic to us. Each shot has the same set of inserts, so it really hinders the ability for those shots to have any personality within gameplay.
- From a software perspective the character modes currently in the game also feel generic.
- Ball often does not make it around to the pop bumpers from the plunger lane with it clunking/hitting stuff along the way
- The All Spark hole and Megatron scoop hole can repeatedly have issues rejecting the ball.
- Optimus Prime does not register many of its hits which can leave players extremely frustrated.
- LE model brings the flow to a halt with clunky interfacing and ball flow killing extended ramps/ toys